Chaser W4DOW Passed 4K Chaser Points Dec 24,2013

December 24,2013 achieve Quadruple Shack Sloth status with 4000 Chaser Points

Thanks all the SOTA Actavitors on the HF/VHF bands who is going out in the Cold and Bad weather working you guys and Gals is sure fun and I do enjoy it so much.
A very Merry Christmas to All and a Happy and Safe New Year in 2014

ON Now to the 5K level and 2014 is going to bring a lot of 10 Pointers
73 All and Thanks again
Dow [W4DOW]
SOTA Chaser in W4V (Virginia)

In reply to W4DOW:
Way to go, Dow!! Remember how you were shooting for the first 100, and now you are at rocket speed. You’ll be 5K pretty quickly. Have fun and congratulations.

Merle KB1RJD and Herm KB1RJC
Madison NH

In reply to W4DOW:
SUPER CONGRATULATIONS on achieving the 4K point plateau.

Gotta be lotsa fun from the East Coast working into the European SOTA gang. We don’t even hear most of them out here in West Texas.

Hope to get radio back from Yaesu soon and start my activations, and hope to be able to give you a few points towards that 5K level.


Chuck Dobbins - KA5PVB
Alpine, TX.

In reply to KA5PVB:

In reply to W4DOW:
SUPER CONGRATULATIONS on achieving the 4K point plateau.

Gotta be lotsa fun from the East Coast working into the European SOTA
gang. We don’t even hear most of them out here in West Texas.

Hi Chuck,

The big problems for EU activators trying to work the West coast of North America, are available daylight, big time difference and very cold wx, prompting many Activators to go QRT earlier than they normally would.
The last month or so, it has been difficult (although not impossible) to get to places such as AZ and CA especially working SSB.

BTW, I see we worked twice on the 10m band in November. Many thanks for the calls.

73 Mike

In reply to W4DOW:
Congrats Dow and many thanks for all the chasing you do.
It wont be long be before you rocket to other personal plateaus, i.e. BESTS.
CU in the pileups.

Dennis - WA2USA