Chase me

I start a 15 day SOTA drive from Seattle, WA to Memphis, TN next weekend. We will be driving from Seattle to Joshua Tree, CA then over to the Phoenix, AZ are, wrapping up in and wrapping up in New Mexico. Looking forward to hearing from everybody!


Hey Rob…It’s a deal. Just remember to do 40 meters when you are in W7W and W7O so I can hear you. Have a safe and fun road trip!



any CW on this one ?? de W6LEN / Jess

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When I saw this thread I wondered if it was in tribute to Duncan Norvelle who’s celebration of life event was on Saturday!


I’ll be interested on your final summit list. I’ve thought about a USA holiday “road trip” through as many SOTA Associations I can manage, with other sight seeing along the way.

Two things I would have to include would be in non SOTA areas. Kennedy Space Centre in Florida and Johnson Space Centre in Houston. I’m the classic “child of Apollo”. It insipred me into studying science/engineering/computing and gave me a career in computing.

Anyway, all that is off topic and I don’t want to hijack your thread… but your road trip certainly will interest me! Looking forward to you writing it up afterwards. Have a great trip.


No CW on this one. Maybe in the future though!

It’s not, we are relocating to Memphis, TN from Alaska. This is a fun and convenient way to get our Land Cruiser across the USA. Also to add some activations to my resume from the American Southwest!

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I’ll end up doing daily write ups, I need this trip! Weather he has been oppressive, can’t wait to get back to the lower 48. Look forward to QSO!

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There is a near drive-up summit very close to Bellingham, where I assume you will be arriving on the ferry from AK. Good way to announce your arrival to the mainland =)


About a 5 min walk from the parking area. Nice views. The drive along Chuckanut Hwy is nice.

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We are actually going to fly into Seattle, we had our vehicle shipped last week it will meet us in Tacoma. Im going to try and find a few decent summits on the drive between Tacoma and Los Angeles. Joshua Tree, CA for Quail Mountain is our fist planned summit. J Tree is awesome this time of year!

Thanks for the info, I need to get a drive up on my log.

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There are a few drive-up summits not far from Olympia, but I have never tried them in the winter. It is possible the roads are closed due to snow.

This one down near Vancouver has a nice park with picnic tables in the AZ:

This one isn’t a drive up, but a short easy hike. Tons of RF on this summit:

There are several drive-up summits in the Portland metro area. Just look on SOTLAS, lots of info there.

ok, I’ll wait

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