Castillo de Medina Sidonia. Sotaniversary with 100p

Hello everyone,

One year ago today I made my first point on Sota. And I decided to make one point to reach my first 100 points in the nearest SOTA summit I have today.

That sota one year ago was in Pontevedra, EA1/PO-035 was on a stage of Camino Portuguese along the coast. The day before I was with colleague Xavi @EA1IVB from podcast #CQenFrecuencia, with a coffee in the city of Pontevedra, he gave me the coach’s speech to face a radio activity like this.

Today, It was an improvised sota the night before, having the day off and being close to EA7/CA-060 I decided to activate it only on VHF with Quansheng+flowerpot, with similar nerves as that day and with the possibility that I might not get the necessary 4 QSO, in the end, with the help and complicity of the radio amateurs of the Bay of Cadiz I was able to successfully activate the summit.

Finally, 6 QSOs made on VHF and I was very keen to make a sota to a colleague in the area.

The summit is located on a historical monument on a hill where three castles are superimposed, the first Roman, another Almoravid and a last medieval castle. Although before all this it is believed that a Phoenician temple dedicated to the god Melkart may have existed on the summit.

The city of Medina Sidonia is full of Roman and Arab vestiges, witnesses of the importance of the city in the past, 3000 years of history. A visit to the archaeological museum is a must to round off the day.
