Can't submit activator Entry

Been trying to submit an activator entry, either manually, or via uploading a CSV file.

Manually I get :
“An error occurred while uploading your activation: [object Object]”

Via CSV I get:

“Error uploading your data: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “FK_Activations_Users”. The conflict occurred in database “sotadata_db”, table “dbo.Users”, column ‘UserID’. [20018] (severity 16) [INSERT INTO Activations(UserID, OwnCallsign, SummitID, ActivationDate, Points, BonusPoints) VALUES (-3, ‘2E0CSS’, 1312, ‘15/Mar/2020 00:00’, 0, 0)]”

Any points as to what is going wrong?

Yes, you are asking the question on the reflector rather than aiming the question to MT direct via the Contact SOTA link at the top of the page.

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I’ve tried that, unfortunately I get a box that pops up saying they’ll be in touch, but also one that errors saying it can’t send. I thought I’d post here just in case.