Can't find the data anymore.....

Good day all.

Last time I was in Europe (June 2022) I had a data point of UNQUALIFIED ASSOCIATIONS. That was a count of associations to which I had only made one chaser contact. As I am about two weeks from our next visit, I wanted to have a look at the list and update my notes. Andi and I have intentions of activating in OK, OZ, SP and several locations in DL. When possible I will be chasing, with a hope of filling in some of the UNQUALIFIED ASSOCIATIONS.

Please - where do I find this information now? I’ve poked and looked in the CHASER stats and don’t see it.

Vy73 – Mike – KD5KC.

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The old SOTA database site is still available at if you know where it is located there?
I had a look on my stats but couldn’t see what you are after.

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THANK YOU. This is what I was looking for…

Then this statistic…

This will allow me to put special emphasis in catching summits in those associations.

Thank you once again!

Vy73 – Mike – KD5KC.


This is available via the “Show Awards” button on any of the log pages on the new version.

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YES IT IS… not right up front, but now that I know where to look I’ll find it again.


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