Cancelled 2nd summit today


I had planned a two summit activation today,asWX was great all along the week.

Contrary to what I was expecting I arrived in Saioa EA2/NV-021 in bad conditions. When I left the car there was a heavy wind, and all covered by a dense fog.
I would have abandoned my idea but I trusted on my GPS who guided me safely though the forest. There was snow on the way up but I managed to pass across.

The summit was also covered by fog: no more than 10m visibility in all directions. I settled my vertical Ant and used a guy line to avoid it from collapsing; wind was severe and I found a tiny shelter on the trig point.

I started on 24CW without much success. Then qsy 14SSB and found HB9BIN/P, bingo! Gracias Jorge fere S2S!
I had high SWR and my reports were poor there.

After anumber of quick qso, I finally moved to 10CW with a FB SWR reading. Nice Pile up there but I was getting cold. Every now and then I had to put up the antenna because ofthe wind.

When I finished I decided to cancel my second planned summit of the day NV-023.

On the way down two mountaineers, a father and his 6 yr old son who arrived in the summit when I was packing, followed me down as they were lost in the fog.
Our GPS served me well. Better to keep the second summit for another day…

Thanks for all your calls and CU soon. VY 73
Ignacio EA2BD

In reply to EA2BD:

Bien Ignacio,lo primero la seguridad nuestra,la montaña va a estar ahi no de va se a ir asi que que habra mas dias…

Nosotros tambien tuvimos mucha niebla en EA2/SS-016,pero conociamos bien el camino,ya la segunda sota la bajada la hicimos de noche …

Saludos y GORA SOTA…



Ignacio Well, first our security, the mountain will be there is not going to go so there will be more days …

We also had a lot of fog in EA2/SS-016, but knew well the path, and the second night we made it down …

Greetings and SOTA GORA …


In reply to EA2BD:
Congrats for your succesful activation.
You surely made a good decision when cancelled the 2nd planned activation in such cold, windy and foggy conditions. Safety must be always first.
Shame that I couldn’t chase this weekend due to being out in EA4 with no time for radio.
But we’ll surely have more chances soon.
Take care.
73 de Guru - EA2IF