Camino Activations - Many Thanks

Many thanks to the SOTA Hams who assisted me with the activations along the Camino Frances. Special thanks to EA4HIH, EA2BD, EA1AER, EA4HCF. I activated EA4/MD-051, EA1/LE-165, and EA1/LU-010 and walked into Santiago de Compostela on 13 July 2022. I greatly appreciate the courtesy extended to me by the SOTA community of Spain. Thanks for the transportation to the trailheads, the guidance on the trails, the spots and chasers.


Hi Joe. It’s been a pleasure to be with you and help you with activations and anything else. I guess you finished the Camino well.
Always at your disposal. And any other pilgrim activating sota.

Vy 73

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Hi Joe, it was my pleasure. Hope to see you soon in person or on the frequencies.


Reiner/ EA4HIH

Hi Joe,
thanks for your updated news, I am glad you succesfully reached your destination in the Camino and arrived safe and sound.

Well done on your activation, I was happy to chase you and see you did a great combination og pilgrimage and SOTA.

Thanks for your visit and looking forward to give you a pay back visit whenever it’s possible.
Stay safe and all the best

73 querido amigo Joe,


Juan, I was happy to read your post. I am planning on the Camino Frances in May/June 2023. I am just starting my planning now. Hope to catch you on the air. I may write to you asking for some help.

Johannes, KI6M

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Dear Johannes: superb. I’m at your disposal for whatever you need: planning, information, summits that can be activated from the camino…
And, of course, I hope we will have the opportunity to meet, eat and activate together.
Keep me informed. You can write to me at my public email.


Juan/EA1AER is a great guide and did a fine job showing me around Leon and getting me to a summit for an activation. Plan for a “rest” day from the Camino when you pass through Leon and let Juan provide his hospitality!


Fantastic. Thank you!!