BW-159 delta loop

Hi all,
want to do dx and also nice inner EU contacts.most times i take two antennas with me due to dx and on dm/bw-159 i tried an antenna that worked good for me on 10m to 40m on all bands with a little tuner.with the other antennas i tried last time i had ever problems with swr ( with elecraft T1 ) on some bands. performance seems good on dx and also ok on closer contacts.
i build a vertical delta loop ( one side up,two at bottom,21mtr wire )that is feeded in the bottom part in one of the corners.feeded with 100ohm symetric good on 20-10m.for 30 and 40m i have a link at the other bottom corner that i open i have a folded dipole with a upper side with a lenght of 14m and the other side fine, not as good as my 41mtr hw wire, but its a good compromise for the winter months and i haven´t not to do so much antenna works on the summit and the setup is really quick.
made a few nice qso´s on 40m and had a nice qso with N4EX on 17m with very good signal at me.also had a nice s2s with EA1IEH/P on 40m ssb and received the sigs from KI4SVM on 17m,but only a bit over the noise level.had my small batterie with me , so today only abt.3 watts cw and 5 watts ssb output. think conditions today was more poor here in south dl.
on 95% of the summits here,i have trees , so thats my new antenna for the next weeks. very simple, cheap and quick in setup.

next two days i are free of work,so i have time to make other tests on a the summits if its not raining.

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN

for next ssb activity and i ant that i don´t have to do so much selfspotting a info. - after the 20m cw part and the end of 40m cw activity i will call a few times on abt. 14.280 ± and 7.118 ± in watch after the cw part on this bands. if that not works or i use other frequencys i will self spot if phone works there.

Hi all,
today it was very cold and windy on dm/bw-228. i gone earlier qrt as planned,the wind from the east was soooo cold :wink: had problems to write the log,also the keying was not so fine.
not sure about the conds today on 30m band. normal its my best bands with most qso`s , but today only a few came back to my call on my favourite band.maybe the antenna works not so fine there.
on 20m and up, antenna works fine. on 30m and 40m as folded dipole…mhhhh?
think i have better antennas for this lower bands…

greetings to all and thanks friends who called in today

vy 73 Klaus DF2GN/P

In reply to DF2GN:

Hello Klaus,

I thank you very much for the activation today and past ones. You have a very fine set up.

I think that it is very good that you cover so many bands in a day - it gives everyone a chance as a chaser because as you know propagation and other factors such as QSB, QRN and QRM varies from band to band and what time of day.
I also think that working so many bands also improves the chance of S2S :wink:

Best wishes and bye for now.

Mike G6TUH