Brisk on Great Mell Fell G/LD-035

I originally planned to do Stony Cove Pike today, but the weather at Kirkstone Pass was ‘wet cloud’ and I didn’t fancy sitting in that.

Those cheeky twins, Great Mell Fell and Little Mell Fell instantly called with their 500m+ winter bonus. I chose Great Mell Fell G/LD-035 as it was closer to drive and I was running on fumes.

Plenty of folk out walking today, with a sprinkling of snow on the tops. I love the Lake District this time of year. Cresting the summit I was presented with the glorious Blencathra - looking different every 5 mins with the light constantly changing. The biting 20 mph wind caused summit brain with various cursing whilst putting up the SOTABeams Band Hopper IV on their tactical mast. It was boggy underfoot, reminding me how much I missed GTX in the latest boots! The IC-705 on internal battery performed flawlessly and actually all HF contacts were 3.5w. Good to get local 2m FM chasers South of Kirstone Pass - the Spectrum Comms Slim-J doing a fine job. Rig/Antenna combination chosen for lightweight-ish.

Business was brisk on 20m and 40m, no takers on 80m, and a handful on 2m. Longest contact was a S2S with Stavros @SV2RUJ and Ioanna @SV4SWQ on SV/TL-088. Lovely to snatch a S2S with Andy @MM7MOX on GM/SS-125 - first RF interaction after many on the reflector.

Great to get out in the Lakes today and 10 mins down from the summit in the warm sun you wonder what all the fuss is about on the tops!

12:40 F4ILH 20m SSB 59 59 JEAN
12:41 OE3GGS 20m SSB 59 59 Gustav
12:41 EA3ARP 20m SSB 58 58 Joan
12:41 EA2DT 20m SSB 59 52 Manuel
12:42 DL3NM 20m SSB 59 57 Hannes
12:42 DL1DVE 20m SSB 59 55 Thomas
12:43 SV2RUJ/P 20m SSB 55 55 Stavros SOTA SV/TL-088
12:44 SV4SWQ/P 20m SSB 55 55 Ioanna SOTA SV/TL-088
12:44 OZ1RD 20m SSB 55 55 Rene
12:44 SP6KEP 20m SSB 55 55 Radio
12:45 OZ1NKS 20m SSB 59 55 Jacob
12:52 ON3RMB 40m SSB 59 55 Kristof
12:54 G4OIG 40m SSB 59 57 GERALD
12:55 GM4WHA 40m SSB 59 59 GEOFF
12:56 M0GQC 40m SSB 59 57 James
12:57 2E0FEH 40m SSB 59 44 Karl
12:57 M0OPI 40m SSB 59 59 Jake
12:57 ON7MD 40m SSB 57 57 MICHEL
12:58 GW6OVD 40m SSB 59 59 Mal
12:58 MW7LTD 40m SSB 55 56 Ros
12:59 G4PFK 40m SSB 59 59 GRAHAM
12:59 2E0FLW 40m SSB 59 59 Derek
13:00 F6FTB 40m SSB 55 54 CHRISTIAN
13:00 2E0LDF 40m SSB 59 58
13:01 MI7TRD 40m SSB 59 57 Chris
13:02 PC5Z 40m SSB 59 48 Harm
13:03 GM0AXY 40m SSB 59 59 Einar
13:03 GI4TAJ 40m SSB 59 57 Joe
13:03 GM4YMM 40m SSB 59 59 Christine
13:04 MM7MOX/P 40m SSB 55 56 Andy SOTA GM/SS-125
13:06 MW7TEW 40m SSB 55 55 Mark
13:14 GM4WHA 2m FM 59 59 GEOFF
13:14 G6AEK 2m FM 51 59 David
13:15 G1OHH 2m FM 58 55 Sue
13:17 G7CDA 2m FM 53 53 Douggie

Hi Mark, it was good to finally chat in person today. It was an equally brisk day on Scald law GM/SS-125, in the Pentlands south of Edinburgh.
I lasted about 90 minutes and one snow flurry before my toes were too cold.
Hopefully catch you again on another summit.


Stunning photos!

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Thank you for the contact and the wonderful pictures!

73 de ON3RMB

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