Boom Radio

I’ve seen on social media (usual suspects) that there is a new radio station on DAB for “Boomers” that features mainly music from the 60s and 70s and seems to be attracting BBC Radio 2 listeners who are fed up with the direction the station is taking.

Features David “Diddy” Hamilton, DLT (I thought he was in disgrace?) and Roger Day.

Not being a boomer, I’m Gen X I’m more at home on the Greatest Hits or Absolute 90s. But I do have to say I find Radio 2 increasingly irritating!


I am just getting increasingly annoyed with the aimless prattle on most radio stations. Presenters just waffle on about nothing, as if they like to hear the sound of their own voice. Is my annoyance a product of being taught to speak with a purpose while on air? Thankfully SOTA exchanges don’t usually involve irrelevant information, that is unless a lack of contacts forces you to break into the local breakfast net. :worried:


Worst being the “zoo format” where there is the DJ/presenter and his/her crew and they all are able to waffle rather than actually playing the hits of the day.

The fix is Spotify where you can pick the type of music you want and then you can be a cheapskate and listen to the free version with its targetted ads (and you will scream from hearing the same advert over and over). I have an old Android phone plugged in to a ghetto-blaster thing that connects to the wifi and runs the Spotify app in my home office. Even with the ads, there’s more music per hour than the other radio stations.


I’m pre-boomer! I stopped listening to radio stations a long time ago, but I started nearly seventy years ago when the music presenters (they weren’t DJs in those days!) kept their talk short and to the point. By the mid 60’s they were getting a bit more eloquent and by the end of the decade the pop presenters were sounding pretty empty headed, but by then I was listening to classical and jazz programs where the presenters sounded reasonably intelligent. Musically speaking I’m having the most fun since I gave up gigging by exploring youtube - there is more good music there than can be enjoyed in a lifetime, and no waffling dimwits to get in the way!


If you are into those eras of music - give Radio Caroline (GB5RC at times) another shot:

If you are in the South East of the UK or just across the North Sea, they are (legally licensed) on 648 KHz AM, from the old BBC World Service site at Orford Ness otherwise they have a smartphone App and of course, you can play directly from their web site.
If you don’t mind the reduced audio quality, I’m fairly sure they are on “Dead And Buried” as well.

73 Ed.


I thought they had come off DAB? I noticed yesterday that the internet radio station feed is now going out on 648 AM, whereas this wasn’t happening before, well certainly last year, which is a shame because the radio output had the presentation style of the 80s, anybody remember Caroline Overdrive which took over from Radio Monique when it closed down for the night. When I was listening to 648 AM last year which as I said had a separate broadcast feed than the internet you did get to hear the station championing new music, for example, a band called Vienna Circle which had just released a song called “That Night”

Also when you look at the website, and DJ profiles there were too many “Community radio” style photos of people wearing headphones in very staged photos!

I also had a look at Absolute Radio’s internet offering, tbh haven’t listened online since Christian O’Connell packed up and went to Australia. But I was surprised to find Absolute 00’s, Absolute 10’s and Absolute 20’s

My biggest bugbear over the last twenty years is the gradual eradication of local commercial radio by the abysmal HEART group


Local radio existed to play short pieces of music in between the ads, the phone-ins and the news :slight_smile:

You’re right thought that commercial radio has been destroyed by people like Bauer Media. It’s no better with the BBC under attack from right wing media like Murdoch’s mob and The Daily Hate whilst it tries to self-destruct by changing things which are popular so it can appear more woke.