Bob, KU4R, 50,000 Chaser Points

Please join me in congratulating KU4R for recently earning 50,000 chaser points. If there is one person that is in my log nearly every trip, it is Bob. Thanks for all the contacts that we have made and keep up the good work!

Ron, NR3E :hiking_boot:


Congrats, Bob! you are a very dependable chaser!

Seth N4XTT

Congrats Bob- that’s quite an accomplishment! And, thanks for all the contacts!


Steve WD4CFN

Congrats Bob on 50,000 chaser points! You’re a stalwart chaser, and I appreciate every time I log your call from a summit!

Andy, N4LAG

Congratulations Bob on 50000. And thanks for all the SOTA QSOs. I look forward to many more.

Congratulations Bob, that is Awesome! Thanks for being my top chaser! Always great talking with you up on the summits.


Congratulations on your 50,000-point achievement Bob! Quite impressive! It’s always awesome to hear your call and an honor and privilege to add it to the log. Here’s hoping for many more! Thank you for chasing.

Vy 73,

Dennis N4DD

Congrats Bob and thank you very much for chasing and being there for me during my activations my friend! We’re worked each other so many tomes now. Keep up the great work.

73, Brad

Congratulations, Bob! Thanks for all the chases!

Michael, N4DCW

Congratulations Bob and thank you for all the chases!

Vy 73 de Jonathan “JB”

Congratulations Bob! I always look forward to your call when on a summit. Here’s to many more!

Ken, W4KAC

Congrats Bob!

Ken and Kay, KE7BGM, Tucson

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Congratulations Bob on hitting the 50K Chaser point level. I think you have been in our log on most of our recent activation’s over the last few years, and your signal is always strong up here in Kansas.

Gary A. - W0MNA

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Great achievement Bob! Bet I have you in my log 90% of the time I’m out. Thanks a bunch and 73 - Gary/KT0A

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Congratulations Bob! You put out a strong signal! 73 Bob AC1Z

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Congratulations Bob, you are one of the strongest signal that I hear when activating.
73, Eric

Congrats Bob ad thanks for many QSO’s! I appreciate that you often chase on the high bands also.
Keith KR7RK

Congrats Bob and keep on chasing! See ya in the pileups.
73, K6YK

Congrad’s Bob !

Congrats Bob! Thanks for all the chases!