BML's Hog Roast - Hill activation list

Looking around the hills for next weekend there are quite a few marked for activation for 08/06/24 - I guess for BML’s SOTA party.
Is there a list of who is planning on activating what hills?



The only list is on the Alerts section of SOTAWatch.
People just pick a ‘free’ summit they fancy and join in with the action.
Some have decided on a joint activation.

For those who join afterwards for a pulled pork bap, have picked a summit at reasonable driving distance from the event. Others who won’t be able to make the get-together, just join in from any other summit.

Other associations have a similar day/weekend going on, so it should be quite lively.

73, Robert


Thanks Robert. I was looking at the option of doing a hill for next weekend (work dependent) and as I picked one near to the BML party, I could see it was ‘booked’ and thought if there was a list (or an easier way) of seeing at a glance who was on what hill it would help find a free one?

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Hi John,

The alerts are the only reference.

I’d use, just click a summit you fancy on the map and it will take you to the summit page which will show whether an alert is up.

If you are keen to activate a specific summit that already has an alert up, just reach out to the activator.
If the summit is large enough for multiple antennas/activators I doubt very much any activator will have an issue sharing a summit.

Look forward to speaking to you on air on the day.

73, Robert


Cheers, hopefully speak to you on the air as well.

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I’ve placed an alert for GW/MW-027, I certainly don’t mind if someone else wants to operate from this summit at the same time.


I haven’t alerted yet. I’m tied up earlier in the day helping with an event on and around the Longmynd G/WB-005 (I won’t be in the AZ)

I’m hoping to be free to leave late morning / early afternoon, and so I might join in on a nearby summit - I’m happy to use which ever band(s) / mode(s) are not already in use by whoever alerted or got there first!

Looking forward to it :smiley:


Glad I saw this, as I’ve alerted for Long Mynd for that day. Maybe a change of plans is needed.

Goes off to look for a drawing board to get back too :slight_smile:

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It isn’t a major spectator event, so as long as you are away from the paths / tracks it shouldn’t be a problem. Its the down hill sections that get a bit hairy.

The route changes each year, and is secret until the start, so I can’t show it to you. However, if you are at the trig point or in the AZ to the north of it - which is probably the best place to be - you are very unlikely to see any of the event :wink:


This is my first time on this activation weekend and I’m really looking forward to it. We’re staying at the camp site nearby onm Friday and Saturday nights.

I’ve not ‘booked’ a hill yet and everything I’ve looked at nearby thus far already seems to have an activation planned so I’m either going to have to share or I’ll be forced to spend the day in the pub :slight_smile:



Anyone planning a hill nearby who doesn’t mind sharing with me, please let me know. I did Titterstone Clee HIll, Long Mynd and The Wreakin a couple of weeks back so, ideally, not one of those. I tend to operate on 20m SSB and sometimes 2m.


Hi Denis, I guess you know this, but for anyone else looking for a nearby summit, probably avoid Stiperstones G/WB-003.
(It’s in a nature reserve, and activators have been asked to leave on a few occasions, perhaps more likely at weekends, as it can get quite busy with walkers)

I’m working at an event in the morning, and not sure what time I’ll get away.
Looking at nearby GW summits, I don’t think I would get to any of them within the activation window. (Taking account of alerts placed, limited parking space etc)

So, despite my comments above, it is likely that I will have a walk up Stiperstones, taking a 2m / 70cm handie with me to use if it is not too busy up there. At least I’ll be able to say that I’ve been up a hill to earn my hoggy bun! :blush:

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Thanks, Adrian, I had read that. I can feel a sneaky, night-time winter activation coming on for that one.


I’ve activated it 3 times so far, all in the bonus season & just using a handie, no problems so far, mid week visits, so prob busier at weekends when the rangers are more likely to be around. They might take the hump with hf masts, possibly.


Will anyone be monitoring 2m from the hog roast site in the afternoon?

Mainly for talk in if we cant get a phone signal for sat nav although might need encouragement to get off the hill because it smells good :slight_smile:


I’ll set my mobile station up :+1: monitoring S20


I’ll be cuttng it fine (unlike the hog roast carver is I hope!) to get there by 4pm so if I’m late save me some meat! Leavng North Yorkshire at 6am local time.

73 Phil G(W)4OBK


We’ll save a bun for you Phil :slight_smile:


I’m working at an event in the morning, and not sure what time I’ll get away.
Looking at nearby GW summits, I don’t think I would get to any of them within the activation window. (Taking account of alerts placed, limited parking space etc)

So, despite my comments above, it is likely that I will have a walk up Stiperstones G/WB-003, taking a 2m / 70cm handie with me to use if it is not too busy up there. At least I’ll be able to say that I’ve been up a hill to earn my hoggy bun! :blush:


Me and my dad Tom @M1EYP have alerted to activate Garreg-hir GW/MW-017 prior to the Hog Roast and we’ve alerted for Long Mountain Beacon Ring GW/MW-026 after the Hog Roast also. When I put the alerts on for Garreg-hir GW/MW-017, I did not see any other alerts for this summit, but last night, I saw that Andy @G6PJZ has alerted for Garreg-hir GW/MW-017 an hour after us. So looks like we will be doing a joint activation with Andy @G6PJZ tomorrow.

Jimmy M0HGY


@M1EYP (or @M0HGY) are you taking SSTV gear for 2m? (or 10m).