Beinn Mhor GM/SS-278 Daytime-only summit. Never at night!!!

Today was the first break in days of terrible weather. I am in western Scotland for work and had a few free hours this afternoon. I chose Beinn Mhor as a SOTA outing. It is only 194m high and is a relatively short hike and straightforward climb. It took me a little under 1 hour.
At the summit it was quite breezy with regular waves of drizzle rain. Temp was around 6c. I set up my tarp shelter, my sotabeams 6m mini-tactical pole and my inverted vee linked dipole. Operating for half an hour, I had 30 CW QSOs on the 30m amateur band. Thank you very much to my chasers today and to DL1CR/P for the S2S contact.

I don’t often post on the Sota Reflector, but Beinn Mhor summit is quite compact and features some very dangerous precipices. In the dark of night-time, it would be very easy to step out into oblivion. Even during the daytime, extreme caution should be observed near the edges. This summit is not suitable to take young children or dogs to.

I will make sure this post is linked to on the Ben Mhor summit info page.

Carl G(M)0KPE


Hi Carl,

Thanks for the information and well done on the successful activation.

It would be good if you added this to the GM/SS-278 information page for the summit. That way folk planning an activation would see it.


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I have just done that Colwyn. Thank you for the prompt.

Kind regards