Being na Gainimh GM/SS-057

The weather was looking reasonable for Sunday the 20 th so I decided to opt for this 4 pointer in Glen Almond.
There is ample parking at Newton Bridge an area steeped in History

I crossed the Newton Bridge turning first left on the right if way which heads through Glen Almond( part of the Rob Roy way) which leads out to Loch Tay.
There is a long walk in of approximately 4 km to the start of the circular walk which takes in the summit,leaving the main path by turning right at 851318,be prepared for a strenuous ascent to a metal gate and further climbing thereon

My picture shows the track to be followed.
Where the path levels out at a quarried out layby at 846329 look for a rough track through the heather on the left and ascend the ridge.At it’s highest point I then turned right to take in the southern spur of Sron Bealaidh with views over to Glen Almond

I then followed a double fence( looked electrified) which passes over the unmarked summit of Sron Bealaidh,which curved right round a shallow pool.Where the fence branched off to the left,I made my way to the summit of Being na Gainimh.The summit itself is marked only by a small cairn at 837344.
I set up for a quick 2m FM activation and was answered by Chris MM0 UHR/P who gave me a 58 report from Craiglochart Hill in Edinburgh.Thereafter I struggled for contacts However I was answered 40 mins later by Alex in East Calder who gave me a 41.I studied the topography and it became pretty obvious that I was shielded from the west by Auchnafree Hill and Ben Chonzie and thus I was reliant on stations to my east. I would suggest to other potential activators that perhaps HF may be the order of the day. Incidentally there is abundant space for HF antennas on the summit.Almost ready to give up the activation as the weather was closing in,I was answered by regular chaser Neil MM7 DIR in Longbridge who gave me 43 and then Thom in Prestonpans who gave me a 58-- the summit now activated after 50 minutes!
By now the weather was deteriorating and it was time to make it back to the car
I descended over the South Eastern flank of Being na Gainimh using all terrain vehicle tracks down a line of grouse butts and across the Henzie burn to point 845342.Thus lead me to a gravel road which in turn lead to a small dam with a shelter designed I think for grouse shooters.
Here is a picture of the descent I took from the the summit to the Henzie Burn

By now the weather had improved. Leaving the dam,prepare for another strenuous climb to reach the completion of the circuit at 846329.Thereafter it’s a case of retracing your footsteps down the hill and back along Glen Almond
Here is another picture of the start of the ascent from Glen Almond

I hope future activators enjoy this walk,but be prepared to have limited working conditions on FM and as I said previously,use HF.Perhaps the use of a bicycle would save the long walk in.
All in all a very enjoyable outing with great views,I hope you enjoy it



nice report and it is a lovely walk up Glen Almond to this summit. I remember it was cold windy day when I did it, with a bit of snow.

995 Points, is it going to be a 6 point summit next?

73 Gavin

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Apologies for the late response to your kind comments. I was hoping to activate Stuc a Chroin,but the weather and restricted time prevented me.
Hoping to complete the 1000 in the not too distant future