Bardon Hill - G/CE-004

Bardon Hill - G/CE-004 was the last of the G/CE hills to activate to get a complete.

Parking in the cul-de-sac as mentioned in another post, I left the XYL in the car reading a book and headed off up the hill. At the top I located the trig point, made some conversation with a family.

The view from the top

I decided to setup on HF only and got setup near to the metal fence.
Spotted and bagged 9 contacts with one being a S2S with M0RWX/p on G/CE-001
Two ON stations and one OM station. Plust several UK based contacts.

The weather looked like it was bringing rain, and some wind. With 9 ITL. After a few more CQs and no reply I decided to quit while I was dry and make my way back down the hill back to the car and make a move home after a good weekend

Cheers all



Thanks for the report John @M0VAZ

I’ve not been back to Bardon Hill since we moved up to Liverpool - it doesn’t look like it has changed at all. Are the two masts still up there? Last time I went the little brick hut had been emptied by miscreants :roll_eyes:

I’ll have to plan a return trip, as Nic hasn’t activated this one yet.
73, Simon

Hi Simon
There are still masts up on Bardon Hill. The brick hut has had the doors closed and blocked by big blocks of concrete.
I used the fence to secure one end of the HF dipole to via a bungee cord. The other end to the ground.
I am just over the water from you.


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Thanks for the S2S John. I’ve only been there twice, but it’s always been busy with people when I were there. For the last activation 2m FM worked very well.
73, Robert

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No probs Robert. I tried calling you before I spotted but you but didn’t make it. Then tried just again before I was going to pack in and made it.

I saw about 7 people at the top of hill.