AZ 10 Meter Challenge On A Summit

On Jan. 20th I Activated W7A / AW-040 in AZ. Being a drive-up Summit I could bring a few more antennas than usually used on other Summits. In this case I used a home brew full wave Delta Loop and a half wave 10M Vertical. ( Commercially known as the A99 ) It was mounted on a tripod and no radials. The Delta Loop was fed at the top which was about 20 ft up on fiber pole. The Delta was broadside to Europe and SW.
I stayed on Summit about four hours from Sunrise until around noon. Conditions were very good. I worked 92 stations on 10M. ( CW / SSB ) I worked 21 countries, 20 Euro stations and KP4, KP2, V31, 8P5, ZF2, KL7, KH6, VE7. The Delta worked well into Europe as well as the Vertical. The Vertical out-performed the Delta to the Carribean. I was running 20 watts on this Summit. On Jan. 30th I Activated W7A / AW-060, running 6 watts and just an Inverted V type antenna. Very similar results on 10M. I worked 60 stations, 13 Euro’s and VP2MDX. Great fun on 10M in AZ on a Summit. Can’t wait for the next time with yet a another antenna.


Awesome 10m QSO’s Ray! Your Delta Loop looks interesting, and it sure seems to work well.

Great pictures, too!

Dave, AE9Q

That’s about the same as my lifetime SOTA 10m QSO tally :laughing:

Great effort!

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It sounds like you had a fun time, Ray! 10 meters sure has been exciting lately. Happy that I could actually work you from Tucson on 10m that day! Very accommodating propagation.

73 de K9PM Paul