From my AUG-2019 news in Spanish
SOTA activators and activations carried out in Spain and the Spanish-American Countries in July-2019:
With the information available in the database, this is the graph of the activations and activators in Spain in July 2019.
EA2 leads this month in number of activations, followed by EA1, EA3, EA6, EA4, EA5 and EA7. We haven’t got any activations from EA8 and EA9.
We’ve got a very good number of activations this last month, being this the highest monthly number in the current year. It’s summer and vacation time for many.
This is the graph of the number of activations per month in 2019 and the averaged montly activations number in 2018.
Here’s the graph for the chasers and number of chases in Spain:
We are glad to see new chasers among which the highight is for EA4MZ and EA7YT with a very important number of chases registered in the database.
This is the graph for the monthly chases in Spain in 2019.
The 2789 chases this month represent an historic record. Well done all the chasers!
With the information available in the database, this is the graph of the activations and activators in the Spanish speaking American Countries with existing SOTA associations in July 2019.
We see this month 3 activations in LU Argentina, 1 in LUH and 2 in LUM, as well as 1 activation in TI Costa Rica and 3 activations in XE1 Mexico, which put the total like that of the last month and of March.
This is the graph of the number of activations per month in 2019 and the averaged montly activations number in 2018.
It looks like the activators are getting the habit and at a good pace. Congratulations!
Regarding the chasing activity, there hasn’t been a single SOTA chase uploaded to the database and I’d like to insist on what I said last month: it’s important that all chasers register to the database and upload all their chases to the DB, otherwise it’s like those QSOs never happened for the chasers ranking and the statistics. This is the graph:
With all the activations carried out in July and the number of QSOs logged in those activations, it’s weird that we don’t have any chase in the DB, although it could be the case should the activators had made all their QSOs with stations from outside the Hispanic american countries. But I see this too unlikely. Let’s hope that the chasers will finally register and upload their chases to the database.
This is the graph for the monthly chases in the Spanish speaking American Countries with existing SOTA associations in July 2019.
We hope to see these numbers rising very soon.
Thanks for reading this news. I hope you found it of interest.
Guru - EA2IF (member of the SOTA Global Publicity Team)