Good morning everyone’
I just got the tuner from aliexpress and it doesn’t work. Before sending it back I wanted to know if you already know the problem and if there is a solution. It lights up shows the parameters with a value of zero, the button works, but if I send the carrier cw, it does not tune. I receive radio signals correctly. Thanks for the suggestions.
May be it is not set as “Auto”. Does it tune if you push the button while sending a carrier?
On the Oled screen, do you see a “dot” or a “dash” somewhere.
I think Dash is ByPass, and Dot is automatic.
Hello Gerald and thanks for the answer.I am attaching a photo of the display. What can you tell me about it? Thank you.
The Dot “W.L” in between W and L means it is in automatic Mode.
So if your carrier has enought power, it should tune automatic.
You can tune also, pusshing and maintening the Button with Carrier.
How much power is your carrier (may be not enought?) if it is too low, the ATU does not tune (you can set the level by soft and/or winding 1 turn more on tore inside).
Question: when you send a carrier, does the oled stays 0.0w or it moves to 1.0 watts?
Ciao Gerald
I have one of those tuners, and if I remember correctly, it doesn’t tune if the power is too low. For example, it doesn’t work with my 10W portable radio. Works well with my 100w shack radio though.
Le niveau se regle par “soft”, mais aussi en ajoutant une spire sur le Tore de detection.
facile à faire
Hi Gerald, I applied 4 w and the display showed nothing, it remains at zero. I think at least the input power and the swr should be read. Right? Isn’t there a keypress and time combination for a self-test? Thank you. 73 Luca
Hallo, I bought this tuner which is sold expressly for qrp. This is the link
73 Luca
Wandering around I found a case similar to mine but for the 100W model. He found the solution by removing the paint of the inner box because the s0239 did not make mass. I have bncs, how can I check if ik bnc is grounded? Do I use the tester between bnc and casing?
73 Luca
Ciao Luca,
Yes with 4w the tuner should Tune, and it should show some power on digits. I do not know about self-test.
Hi Luca,
May be you can get a refund; otherwise you can open it and try to mend it.
What appens with your TX when you send 4 Watt; i mean the HF goes to the antenna throught the ATU, or the TX shoes a lot of SWR?
If it is ok with the TX, then the problem is from the bridge (self/tore/diode) witch does not detect the HF. It could be a bad contact on the 2 diodes or else…in this part.
I think it is not very difficult to mend… Luca just check inside.
Hi Gerald, I asked for a refund and they accepted it… Except that they refund me € 10 less and I didn’t understand why. For this reason I want to attempt the repair myself. I have good practice with the soldering iron, I have built rtx kits and other projects by myself, I would need the diagram to be more confident. But I laugh at your question, if I transmit through the ATU all Energy passes through the antenna. It could be like you say that RF is not detected.
Hello everyone, I decided To return the product because I didn’t notice something incorrect in sight. I then purchased the ANTUNER 100M product. It works great and is also smaller. Thank you all. 73 Luca