Association Updates February 2025

Andy uploaded several association updates over the weekend. In respect of summits these included:


Many name updates, plus some tweaks to positions and elevations. Two retirements and one new ref. Here I copy+paste the summary courtesy of Arthur, HB9CEV:

  • The highest point of Musenalper Grat (HB/NW-017) is about 100m north of the current SOTA coordinates. These will be updated, and the elevation will also be adjusted to 1786m. The summit is still in the current activation zone.
  • The coordinates for Miesenstock (HB/OW-020) will be shifted approximately 100m northwest. The SOTA summit will thus be at the highest point and will have a new elevation of 1895m (previously 1891m). The summit is still in the current activation zone.
  • Torent Alto (HB/TI-024) will receive a new reference, as the highest point at 2956m (3m higher) lies about 200m northeast of the current coordinates. Since the previous activation zone does not extend to this new highest point, a new reference (HB/TI-163) must be assigned.
  • Meniggrat (HB/BE-149) unfortunately needs to be removed, according to the current topographic map, it does not meet the required prominence of 150m.
  • Additionally, there were various minor adjustments to names, coordinates, and elevations (mostly cosmetic changes in the last digit).


We were alerted to some inaccuracies in a few DL/AL listings (thank you):

  • DL/AL-148, name corrected to “Riedholzer Kugel”
  • DL/AL-151 position shift (within the AZ) and elevation correction
  • DL/AL-153, name corrected to “Spieser”


  • F/AM-603 retired
  • F/PE-116 position correction

Association managers

Many thanks to the following new AMs:

  • Paula, K9IR, takes over W9 and W0I from Ward, WC0Y, who is sadly SK.
  • Fred, VE3FAL, takes over VE3 from Bill, VE3FI (thanks Bill)

Apologies if I have missed anything out.