The updates are a few days late this month. That’s because Simon is away down under and I forgot!
So we have name changes to:
New summits:
There has been a quite big update to ZL1 regions BP, HB and WK due to LIDAR updates. There are new summits, deleted summits etc. Please check the database carefully in case your intended ZL1 target is no more etc.
There is a pending similar update to ZL3 but I’m waiting for a discrepancy to be checked by Warren before I push it.
Also, and this is important. I was notifed by a CT amateur that name / callsign or email update was missing from the CT data. Mea culpa and I intended to do that with these updates. But due to me being a fat-fingered goon I managed to delete the email. I can’t remember who it was from or the details. Please contact me with this info again please and I’ll get it updated on the database.
Hello, Andy, just sent an email regarding the CT changes, I believe you were referring to a message that I sent you a couple weeks ago.
Paulo, CT2IWW
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When will it be updated in Korea?
Right Warren and Simon went over the ZL3 update data again and I have just pushed it to the DB.
ZL3/CB, ZL3/FL, ZL3/OT, ZL3/SL and ZL3/WC have had summits retired, added, moved or renamed.
Again please check carefully before you attempt any summits in these regions in case things are no longer what you expect.
CT region manager name changed. Carlos Gomes CT1HIX has stepped down as CT/MN region manager and Paulo Teixeira CT1IWW has taken over. Thanks to Carlos for his work previously and to Paulo for taking over.
Basically updates happen when we receive update requests. Sometimes the MT spot errors / changes and fix them ourselves.
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Is it only possible to apply for an update in AM? AM in Korea has not applied for an update at all for 11 years since it was last updated in 2013. I have requested an update from AM in Korea for a few years, but I have not applied for an update yet. Since April 2018, I have visited 1129 mountain peaks in Korea and partially modified hundreds of mountain names, and also translated them into Korean on the website. However, only AM in Korea can request correction for an error in the location (coordinates) of the top of the mountain, so hundreds of coordinates cannot be corrected. Not long ago, I requested correction for 7 mountain peaks that were misplaced in the middle of the sea, and they are currently inactive. People working in Korea are currently questioning the uncooperative work activities of AM in Korea. I think that Koreans who are familiar with Korea’s geography should be in charge of AM in Korea. Because I think that AM in Korea is currently being handled by Americans and that AM’s mission is being neglected. Even after 11 years, there has been no request for update on numerous error-filled mountain summit data. I want the British Association to take the necessary action.