Association updates 1st May 2022

Here is the list of updates for 1st May:


Bob, AC1Z, is taking on the RM role for regions HA, NL, AM, MV and GM. Thanks Bob.

BV – Taiwan

Many summits are receiving a name update.

The association is moving over from a winter bonus to a summer bonus. As is usual for summer bonuses this will apply to all summits, as it’s not just the high ones that are affected by summer conditions. We’re going to delay the introduction slightly as BV already had 2½ months of bonus this winter, so expect to see these from 1st September. In normal years the season will run from 21st June until 20th September (inclusive).

We have also made a small adjustment to the 10-point start elevation, promoting 17 summits from 8 to 10-point score.


In Norway AM Aage, LA1ENA, and LA/NL RM Leif, LA3DNA, have been working hard with me on a major update to the NL and TR regions. In fact we found so many summits that we had to introduce three new region identifiers to accommodate the numbers! We’ve made it extra-complicated for Andy by updating the identities of old summits (mostly NL but also a handful of TR) to match. So for a few old activations if you’re puzzled by a ref change that will be why.

There are 2053 new summits. The new regions are, from south to north:

  • HE – Helgeland
  • SA – Salten
  • NL – Nordland North
  • TR – Troms South
  • TN – Troms North

Here is a map for a flavour of what’s on offer:

Base map data: © OpenStreetMap contributors, SRTM | map style: © OpenTopoMap (CC-BY-SA)

PY4 – Brazil - Minas Gerais

We have some name updates. Thanks guys.


Christophe figured out why this was retired the first time round (dupe of ZL3/SL-328). Oops! So it has been re-retired.


LA was obviously an association where there were potantially thousands of summits to be added, back when I had your role what seems like many years ago, but we did not have the resources then. Great to see this addition as LA moves toward complete coverage.


LA update is running a bit late but hopefully should be done tomorrow.

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Thanks for the good job. LA update is really impressive!


Dear MT,
Thanks for the update about our association (BV - Taiwan).
Some summits (which are qualified for SOTA summits) are not in the current list. We will survey them and submit those to SOTA MT in the next update.

Huawei (BV Association manager)

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