As much help as I can get in CT - poor band condx

Hi all, just a quick heads up for my next week of SOTA activating. I don’t usually post my plans on the reflector, but conditions have been pretty awful lately, and I’m away for business this week, so could do with qualifying as quick as possible having not much time to mess about on each summit :grinning:

Monday 27th May

Serra do Bucaco CT/BL-007 @ approx 13:30 UTC

Wednesday 28th May

Serra da Estrela CT/BB-001 @ approx 09:30 UTC

Encosta do Diabo CT/BB-006 @ approx 13:00 UTC

Thursday 29th May

Picoto do Cebolo CT/BL-009 @ approx 10:30 UTC

Pampilhosa sa Serra CT/BL-012 @ approx 13:30 UTC

I plan to operate on 7-SSB, 14-SSB/CW spotting on every frequency I call out on. Times are a complete estimate, but I will update on SOTAwatch if need be. It would be great to work some stations from the SOTA community :+1:

73, Ben


QRP 40m SSB around mid-day at solar peak could be challenging with all that D-layer absorption. I’d be looking at 30/20/17/15m CW if I could.


That’s one benefit I have, CW. It’s normally the ‘get out of jail free’ card :grinning:


Was listening for you yesterday Monday nothing heard sadly. Do you have a 28mhz Ant with you? Might be a chance of some SP E’s. Will follow and call if heard.

Don PLP.

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