… I activate the summits in my area.
In addition, look in the supermarkets for a pack of toilet paper. No joke, the toilet paper is sold out here all over Germany, because a lot of people immediately bought whole shops for domestic supplies. And in fact the toilet paper shelves are empty in Hanover.
Here is a short clip about my last activation DL1CR Sota DM/NS-163 March '20 - YouTube
73 Chris
Same here, no toilet paper. Its daft!
Have you seen the cover of “Private Eye” this week?
Do you have a picture of the cover?
Same here in HB9. Some shops do have it back in stock and hand it over the information counter -one pack per person.
Reminds me to my father telling me stories about the war…
I dare you…
…not to buy a pack of toilet paper!
Hope you are well Chris . you came through at 5/8 this afternoon on 40m but there was an awful lot of QSB unfortunately.
Stay safe 73
For German speakers:
Same way here in the States…It is rationed one package per customer. It make no sense. If people would just buy what they normally use, there would be plenty for all. Yesterday there was just above 80 positive cases here in New Mexico and still climbing. Almost all of them were travel related. Hope it goes down soon. We are not on total lock-down yet but all non-essential businesses are shut down. We are still able to do SOTA…but for how long? Everyone take care out there.
Tim - K5DEZ
??? I have no intention of buying a hamster!
It’s a German colloquialism for a panic buyer/hoarder.
Ah I see. Not related to the chickens then.
Perhaps the SOTA-Hamster should be the level for 100 Chaser-to-Chaser contacts during the quarantine times ?
I didn’t think the toilet paper problem was global. I thought only the German had a particularly intimate relationship with it, hi.
During my activation today, I was able to have some lengthy discussions about the personal situation during this time. I hope the chasers didn’t have to wait too long.
As a small “thank you” here is a brief introduction to my aerial which I always use: DL1CR Sota equipment - YouTube
Same situation here in ve2 land people going crazy for toilet paper… how crazy…
I hope to do a couple of summits before any restrictions come in. There are mutterings in the media of a complete lockdown.
As for the elusive toilet paper I was lucky to get a 24 roll pack a few weeks ago before the insane panic began.
Even in my country town people have gone completely nuts and now supermarkets are restricting one item per person.
73’s Wal VK2WP
Yes, we have the same toilet paper problem here. The companies that manufacture the stuff are only able to increase production by a small amount, which isn’t nearly enough to satisfy the current ridiculous demand. Aside from TP and hand sanitizer, the stores here are fully stocked.
We now have a ‘stay-home’ order in effect in my state, but it specifically allows hiking and outdoor exercise so long as ‘social distancing’ measures are observed.
One shop in Sydney charges $3.50 for the first pack of toilet paper you buy and then charges you $99.00 for a second pack if you think you need 2. Seems like a good way to kurb the drama I reckon.