I will be taking another CalMac, this time to Arran from Thursday through Sunday (20th to the 23rd).
The aim is clearing up the Corbetts on the island including Goatfell GM/SI-006, Cìr Mhòr GM/SI-011, Caisteal Abhail GM/SI-007 and Beinn Tarsuinn GM/SI-008.
HF is in the bag but I will also be taking a newly built 100g Yagi and also 2 m SSB to try when the weather is right (and I can be bothered to carry the 857). Would be great to work anyone who fancies 2m SSB! Summit info will be in alerts.
Will it live up to expectations and be as good as the last trip out to the Scottish isles - Shadow has high expectations as soon at the campervan was being packed !
Shadow in Torridon
Shadow on Rúm