Armin DL6GCA... Baaaahhhhh #7

Armin @DL6GCA continues his activities and you can hear him again regularly in the new year. With today’s (and probably frosty) activations and the last of them, the Lindenberg with the reference DM/BW-156, Armin has now been able to expand his herd of mountain goats by one more, to a total of 7.

Congratulations on this further milestone and good luck and, of course, good health for your future activations.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Congratulations Armin. I look forward to many more S2S.

73 Richard

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Conrats Armin, but leading 7 goats not every summit is large enough for you and your herd.

73 Ludwig.

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He needs a bigger anvil. Or needs to eat less custard :slight_smile:

Well done Armin.


Incroyable Armin :upside_down_face:
The next beast of the herd is not far away at this rate :crazy_face:
73 Eric

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Well done, Armin! Glad to be on your log today as S2S.
73 Fabio

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Hi Armin,
Gratulation Armin zur 7. :goat:
Auf viele weitere schöne Aktivierungen!
73 Joe

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Herzliche Glückwünsche, Armin! Die 7 Goassen hast ja in einem Rekordtempo “erlegt”.
Freut mich immer, Dich zu hören! Auf bald!
73, Sylvia

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Congratulations Armin. :beers:

I still remember our one and only QSO, it was a summit-to-summit last summer. You were F/DL6CGA/P and I was LA/WU7H/P. Let’s do it again some time!


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Armin @DL6GCA chapeau bas :champagne:

Well done and go ahead at least as so far :muscle:

73, Jarek

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Hello friends

Thank you for the congratulations… of course I’ll keep going!

I’ll discover many more summits for my goats… and hope that they multiply.

As Phil wrote in another thread: Age will be the anvil, which will be more or less heavy at times… but I still have teeth and prefer steak to pudding.

Last year, the S2S got a bit of a miss because of the 10m challenge… this year will definitely be better!

So I’m happy that the important 4th QSO on my last summit today was the S2S with Fabio!

I’m looking forward to the next QSO with you… as a chaser or activator!

73 Armin


:rofl: :+1:


Congratulations Armin! A lot of time on the hills and radio.

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Congrats Armin!
Yes, with the 10m challenge I had little chances to copy you.
This year we’ll meet more times.

Looking forward to your next projects and trips.
Take care, 73


Congratulations Armin on a great achievement, but I’m sure it won’t be long before number 8 is in the bag as well.
73 de OE6FEG

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Hey Armin, Wahnsinn! Auch von uns herzliche Gratulation zu 7.Geiss :clap: :clap:

hpe cu agn es vy 73 de René, HB9NBG + 73/88 de Carine, HB9FZC

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Congrats zum neuen Meilenstein, Armin. Die simple Medizin “SOTA” wirkt und wirkt, und auf der QRG tönt es nie nach Langeweile oder Meterware. Dein Jungbrunnen – weiter so!

Vy 73, Markus

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Hi Armin,

Congratulations on this great achievement, even though - if I remember correctly - you told me that after the 2nd goat, the points don’t count anymore, unless there is a 10m challenge, of course :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you for the many S2S’s and joint activations we’ve done together, all of which were great fun!

73 Stephan


Hello Armin,
congrats on that great achievement :balloon: :champagne: :tada: :partying_face: :muscle:
There are not too many days without your call sign being spotted on one or the other summit. Keep up the great work and continue to have fun!

73, Roman

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Congrats on the goat and all the best for the next summits!
Enjoy your steak!

73 Heinz

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