Arenig Fawr

Activation with Spot, 16 January ,thanks to all chasers 73 Mark.


Many thanks to you Mark. Excellent contact, 5/8 into Oldham. Best wishes to you. Paul.

:+1: 73 Mark

That looks chilly, well done! Of course if you get a second dog it will have to be called Alert. :slight_smile:


Ha, it was a bit fresh :+1:

Great photo of Spot @MW7DBF Mark - sorry I missed your log on this one. Look forward to our next qso :+1:

73, GW4BML. Ben

Thanks Ben, he enjoyed his supper :grin::+1: 73 Mark

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Not to be outdone my two dogs make it up Burnhope Seat, and Jet pictured below discovered that he quite likes rolling around, upside down in powder snow, and Woody was somewhat spooked by a cross country skier - not a common sight in County Durham…

Thanks for all the contacts - it was cold on top so I’m afraid that I couldn’t really chat, the views were stunning - it certainly felt more remote than the North Pennines!
