Are you embarrassed for chasing in public areas? Holiday style chasing

Ignacio, Great topic and I was Definity embarrassed and nervous. I would go to Parks I knew nobody would be at until I met Malen VE6VID and started doing Sota an going to sometimes very busy summits and started explaining the hobby. Now I quite enjoy telling people what I’m doing and who I can potentially make contacts with and everyone loves hearing about it.

I hope you are well my friend and hope to hear your call again soon maybe a s2s.

73 DE VE6JTW, Jesse


Its a TR7, they left the factory rusty!!

I was fascinated that your lobster socks match perfectly with your orange MTR!
Definely, I love life with fun!! Thanks for sharing your lobster affinity.

Glad you enjoy in public. Sure we’ll meet again Jesse!



My step dad’s Morris Minor Traveller has a joke sticker on the rear window proudly proclaiming that ‘This vehicle still retains some original rust as supplied by the British Motor Corporation from the factory.’ I think it’s a double bluff because the vehicle was so rusty before restoration that most of it has now been replaced!

The Traveller 1.8 sleeper is now finished.

73, Colin


That sticker is outstanding! I knew a bloke who bought a Stag in the 70s, Brand fire new! after a few weeks he had a look underneath it and in all the nooks and crannies, and found LOTS of rust… he pointed it all out to the dealer who essentially shrugged his shoulders and couldn’t see the problem! BL made frankly shocking cars, that went rotten while you were looking at them! no wonder the Japanese manufacturers proved to be so popular so quickly!

I like the moggie BTW, thats class :slight_smile:

Cheers - Alan


Guilty, m’Lud! On a couple of occasions I have set out to activate, stubbornly fought horrible conditions to get to the top, touched the summit cairn and retired to the pub! Masochistic, but not masochistic enough to activate! (Anyway, the beer was good…)