AR: OE/WI-001 a nice afternoon


Today I had a really nice afternoon on a summit near to my home, Hermannskogel OE/WI-001.

When I went up, my focus was to work my friends Max and Gert s2s and to have some fun on the higher bands up to 10m.

So I started an 40m-cw with the planed s2s-QSO with Gert, OE3ZK/p on OE/NO-145.
Some chasers gave “pse up” - hi - but there I found Fred, DL8DXL/P activating a GMA-summit. So a “SOTA-GMA-s2s” was done also…
I went down the band and worked other well-known chasers, until Max, OE3MHU arrived on OE/NO-001. He was only QRV on 2m-FM and we made our short s2s-chat on 145.500.

After some more qso’s on 40m I changed my linked dipol for 20m and had 14 nice cw-qso’s inkluding Jean, VE2JCW; Rich, N4EX and Phil, VE1WT.

I didn’t expect more - hi- but wanted to try also 17m to 10m. So I changed to my second linked dipol (17, 15, 10 and 12 with extensions).

17m started with Charles, AE4FZ with nice reports - great! Also Guy, N7UN and 9 more qso’s made me happy.

Conds seemed to be good, so I jumped to 10m and was surprised to see an RBN-Spot from W3LPL with 17db…so 7 qso’s took place, with my friend Karl, OE3KAB, who followed my QRG-Changes - hi - again VE1WT with both 559, VE2WFF and also Roy, G4SSH, who worked abt. 90% of my activations!

Enough - no - let’s try 12m: AE4FZ, K4FY, N4EX, OE3KAB and OM3CM - what a day!

So the last band 15m-cw was worth a try - UR5FIM, OE3KAB, again K4YA, EA1DR and OH9XX made it in my log. After 2 and a half hours cw I made a look on 15m-ssb and heard VE9ZY in qso with a GM4, both 59+. I tried to call VE9ZY and…he came back and the report for my 10W was 58…

So I desided to call on 21285 and made an aprs-spot for that. It ended up with 9 nice qso’s with G and EA-Land and a lost K9EZ, whom I heared calling me, but he disapeared then in QSB - sorry!

After 3 hours I had 70 qso’s on different bands with surprising 12 qso’s to NA in my log.

Very happy I closed down my KX3 and went home for a nice beer - hi.

Many thanks to all chasers, who called and worked me today!

Hope to see you soon again
Best 73 de Chris, OE3CHC

In reply to OE3CHC:
Nice work, Chris.

Good luck es 73, Tonnie PA9CW