APRS2SOTA Responses


I hope everyone had a good Christmas

I wonder if any APRS2SOTA users could tell me if they see the Confirmation messages such as:

:Spotted: LA9PJA/A on LA/BU-012 14.060 CW

:Dupe: LA9PJA on LA/BU-012 14.060 CW

:Error: No/Unknown Mode

When they use the APRS2SOTA service

I have asked Carlos (LA9PJA) this question today (after resolving an issue with my code affecting his spotting with his VX-8) but he informs me he did not see those messages, but he did get the ACK to his spot request so I am just interested to know if any other users see them or if they just vanish into the ether.

I do see them when I use UI-VIEW to send messages to the server, and I see them on aprs.fi so I know they get sent ok.

Happy New Year

Stewart G0LGS

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Hi Stewart,

as far as I can remember I got a “SPOTTED” and a “DUPE” message on my last two activations (December 19th and 20th) on my Kenwood TH-D72. Thanks for providing this excellent service!

73 Martin


Propably the Digipeater near LA9PJA does not forward messages coming from the internet to HF. No idea what the difference between the ACK messages and the Spotted/Dupe is. Best ask the sysop of the digipeater about its filtering rules.

The last time I have used APRS2SOTA on 21.10.2023 I got the Spotted message on my Kenwood TH-D72 as often in the past.

Btw: The TH-D72 and also TM-D710 have a nasty bug: Once the message memory is filled with the maximum 100 messages, all further received/sent messages are simply ignored. The manual reads the oldest message should be deleted in this case, but this is not happening. So one has to regularly delete messages manually.

Thanks for running this excellent service, I highly appreciate this.

73 de Michael, DB7MM


My notes show this for the preferred order of parameters are:

<Ass/Ref> <Freq> <Mode> [callsign] [comment]

That might be part of the problem if you’ve got CW at the end.

Hi Stewart,

Thank you for the APRS2SOTA service! It has saved me more than a few times when I neglected to post an alert and had no cell service. I looked in my old messages on my FT-3D and did see some SPOTTED messages (from a few months ago).

HNY and 73.


Hi Stewart,
Pretty sure I received the ack and a dupe message last week on Coity Mountain and Tor Y Foel…
Thanks for providing the service, it has saved me on a few occasions.

On my activation today I sent seven spots via APRS2SOTA … I received SPOTTED and ACK for all of these messages:

73 Martin

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Hi Stewart, I lean pretty heavily on your APRS2SOTA service for a successful activation. Thanks for making this available! I used it earlier today and got the SPOTTED: message as expected.

2023-12-29 13:32:14 PST: AG6N-7>SOTA: w6/ct-146 14.064 cw ag6n
2023-12-29 13:32:15 PST: SOTA>AG6N-7: Spotted: AG6N on W6/CT-146 14.064 CW