Your iGate seems to receive properly and it gated M6YCE to APRS-IS two times:
Probably the line is not showing because your iGate has not sent out any position beacons for 158 days? So does not know where the line should point at?
You should configure your iGate to send the position beacon at least once every 60 minutes to the server! I have my iGate OE5REO-10 configured to 30 minutes …
Here is a screenshot of the DireWolf iGate manual:
I located the file (sdr.conf?)
PBEACON sendto=IG delay=2:00 every=15:00 symbol=“igate” overlay=R lat=53.39895 l ong=-3.12836 COMMENT=“M0VAZ-10 iGate | DireWolf 1.4 on RPi+RTL-SDR using QSO365 image”
The file is “direwolf.conf”
In their template (on lines 392-393) the lat/long is show in DD^MM.MM format, whereas you’ve used DD.DDDD - don’t know if this is significant?
Thanks Ross and Joe. I think I have the settings sorted now after altering direwolf.conf
I left the format of the lat/long the same as before and then reloaded the Pi and my position is correct.
My last position has updated as well. Lets see what this does for the mapping.