Apologies and thanks

To those waiting for me on MW-014, please accept my apologies for not showing. I began feeling unwell as I descended Gwastedyn, and on arriving at the parking spot for MW-014 was no better so decided it would be unwise to continue with the activation. But like the man said - I’ll be back…

And to all those who supported me today, my heartfelt thanks - it far exceeded my expectations for weekday activations of fairly minor summits and made the whole experience really uplifting.

Fuller report to follow in due course!

73 de Paul G4MD

In reply to G4MD:
Sorry to hear that you were unwell this afternoon; hope you are feeling better now.
No apology required, thank you for the three rare summits you activated today and pleased to work you on all of them.

In reply to G4MD:

Sorry to hear you aren’t well Paul. Perhaps the excitement of being allowed to make a last minute “escape” is what’s done it. Hope it is nothing more.

73, Gerald

P.S. I baulked out on that group - did MW-014 first, messed up MW-024 by attacking it from the north and then got behind on MW-019… had to abandon MW-040 and substitute an easy SW-019. Maybe there’s something in the air around there! Maybe ancient spirits guarding Gwastedyn.


Sorry to hear you felt unwell - Hope its nothing serious.

Thanks for the two new ones I did manage to get you on today. The first of yours today which I missed and the one you didn’t do are not on my wanted list anyway so I wasn’t too disappointed to miss out on either of them.

Hopefully CU next time out.


Right decision Paul,thanks for the 3 activations and hopefully you are feeling better to-day.
Look forward to working you on your next.
Regards, Don G0RQL.

In reply to G4MD:
Thanks for the 3 new ones, better to be safe than sorry and MW-014 will still be there for you later and as you say - you will be back !
Hope you are feeling better today

73 Graham G3OHC

Hi All,

Thanks very much for your concern, I’m fine this morning - just a flare-up of hay fever like I’ve not had in many years. Must be something I’m really allergic to on Gwastedyn!

More MW action planned in the near future - watch this space!

73 de Paul G4MD

In reply to G4MD:

Sorry to hear that you were unwell Paul and relieved to hear that you are now feeling better.
To quote the old cliche… it will still be there for next time.



Hi All

This is becoming a recurring theme… Yet again apologies for a Friday MW activation that went horribly wrong.

Started well where I left off last time on MW-014, in pleasant sunshine and a light breeze, but the activation was cut short by the advance of a weather front from the West that brought gale force winds and torrential rain.

MW-039 aborted due to access issues - should have done more homework. So arrived on third planned summit, MW-018, somewhat after the alert time for the second, still in high winds and heavy rain. Worked just enough stations but gave up when the wind dismantled my antenna for me after only twenty minutes on the summit.

On arrival at the next summit - MW-015 - sat in the car for 3/4 hr watching the near-horizontal sheets of rain blowing over the windfarm and pondering the folly of announcing on the previous summit that the weather couldn’t get much worse and I’d definitely be doing it, and finally decided to call it a day…

Many thanks to those I did work, particularly Roger G0TRB who was there waiting for me on 144.310 on both summits and got things off to a quick start, G0RQL and G0ELJ who were waiting for me as well on both, GW3BV who warned me about the weather coming in from the west, and G4ASR, M0COP, G3OHC and M0EMM for just being there when I needed you!

And finally thanks and sincere apologies to Gerald G4OIG who despite recovering from recent illness took the trouble to work me on the first summit from home, then turned out onto a local hill to work me on the others only to find me not there.

I’ll be back in the MW’s before long, and I’ll get it right next time honest…

73 de Paul G4MD

In reply to G4MD:

No apology needed Paul. I was en route to collect some mosaics for the bathroom refurb and a local ridge got in the way… bonus: Frank G3RMD/P on Place Fell and it gave me a chance to do some antenna testing. Sorry I missed MW-018 by just 5 minutes.

73, Gerald