Another Successful Activation

Hi Guys,
Thanks for checking in. I logged 16 QSO’s on 20 CW and 1 on 20 SSB. The summit was cold but it was still a lot of fun. See you from the next one.
fred WX1S


Hey Fred,
I was on W2/GC-076 today. I was hoping you would come down to 40M or 60M for an s2s as there were few NA summits on the air today. Maybe next time.
Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV

Hi Mike,
Sorry I missed you. I had planned on working 40 but it started to get cold and my fingers stopped working. Working CW in the cold is a little more challenging then I thought.
Hope to catch you next time.
fred WX1S

Glad to make contact on 20M CW with you Fred! Bob AC1Z

Hi Bob,
I see why you were so loud. Not to far from New Durham. Thanks again for the QSO. Hope to hear you again soon.
fred WX1S

Well done and thank you for the 20m CW QSO!
It was our first SOTA QSO, although we also had a QSO on 40m CW back in 2013 (CQ WW DX CW contest).
I’ll be looking forward to chasing you again many more times.


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Dear Guru,
It is my pleasure to work you again. Thank you so much for the call. I wish to log you many more times. Perhaps S2S someday. GL and Happy New Year.
fred WX1S

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