Anki deck with SOTA operators first names + crosswords

If you wish to train your memory with something that can make your SOTA contacts even more friendly, here is an “Anki deck” with the call-sign and the first name of the current SOTA “Mountain Goats” and “Shack Sloths”.

The first names come from the database.

…and while at it, if you like crosswords, here is a SOTA oriented one:



I have been playing around with your Anki desk of first names of activators and chasers. Is there a possibility to filter those calls that are of CW operators?

I am almost exclusively working CW and a lot of call signs are therefore unknown to me. I would like to focus on CW operator calls…

73 Heinz

Generating the Anki decks from a list of call-signs is now easy, as I just have to re-run my program to do it.

But I have no idea how to get a list of SOTA activators/chasers doing mostly CW or SSB. For the current deck, I just took the call-signs from the rolls of honour that had more than 1000 points in their category.

If someone can provide us with lists of interest, I am prepared to generate the Anki decks.

At short term, I would suggest you to make a copy of the full list you have, and manually delete (from the Anki application) the cards with the calls you do not recognize.


Vyer nice idea Christophe!
I like friendly SOTA-QSOs.
Many tnx for your work and cu soon.
Vy73 de Fritz
PS. Sri. I couldn´t copy you from ON-004 today…


I just mailed you an excel list of the top 600 CW chasers. I pulled this from the database: View results > Chaser Roll of Honor > Filter: all associatons, all dates, all bands, mode=CW > copy/paste into excel and take top 600 to avoid occasional chasers.

I have no idea how to match these call signs with the fiirst names. Maybe do a consolidation with your previuos list…

73 Heinz

“You learn something new every day” :wink: I never realized that the rolls of honour could be filtered by mode. Too simple :wink:

So here you are: an Anki deck for the chasers who have more than 1000 points in CW, and another for the ones who have more than 1000 points in SSB.

Enjoy :wink:
