Can anyone recommend an anemometer for portable use.
There are many cheap hand held units available, but I am not sure of the quality.
Many do not specify the max wind speed measurement, and the ones that do are rated to 30 m/s which I don’t think is high enough for the winds I experienced on Tuesday evening.
I have a Kestrel 3000. Light, compact and good range of features. Battery seems to last a long time too.
Edit I had to look this bit up (no idea why I couldn’t remember the stats!)
Max wind speed capable of measuring 134mph (not guaranteed to be within advertised tolerances above 89mph).
Good luck getting your 7m pole up in anything approaching that!
I have tried a couple of different anemometers for drone flying. I had a small £15 ish one from Amazon which had terrible accuracy, i.e obviously wrong compared to Beaufort visual observations . The one I use now seems much better, at least it seems to compare with Beaufort visual observations but is a bigger instrument with a bigger fan.
This is the Amazon link to the one I currently use. BTMETER BT-100
I’ve tried cheap ones and tried Kestrel. I can only recommend Kestrel - well made, battery seems to last forever, and waterproof. This shot is from my last activation…
I use a Kestrel 5000 Elite. Mine has a built-in ballistic calculator. It generally puts my shooting on target at 1000m and beyond which suggests it’s a pretty accurate wind meter
I’ll add another plug for Kestrel. I had one of those inexpensive units, but the problem for me was that the temperature sensor was very slow to respond to changes, not to mention I never felt confident it was calibrated correctly. With the Kestrel the temp sensing component is actually exposed on the outside and it is very fast. I think mine is the 2500 model.
76mph was the max gust recorded while I was up there, and that was at the top of a small gully with a bit of Venturi effect going on. A little back from the ridge and further to the ground it was probably more like 30-40 and so while still a struggle I just about managed to get 4 contacts on VHF. I wish I’d packed a ski mask for the decent though … the rain felt like needles!