Andy N4LAG is a new W4C goat.

Congrats Andy! Good job my friend!

Looking forward to more QSO’s down the line for sure.



Well done Andy. Keep climbin those hills!! I’m proud of you.
Scott Kw4jm

Congrats Andy, I got ya on both summits Thursday on 30m, glad I could help !!
Looking forward to more from you…

73 de Ed

Congratulations Andy. Great Job. Keep on going up.
73 de John Paul // AB4PP

Fantastic Andy! Congratulations and good to have you in my log.

Congratulations Andy!
Thanks for all the contacts and hope to have many more.

          Bob  KU4R

Congrats Andy!! :beers:

Thanks for many QSOs over the past 3 years. Look forward to many more.



Yeah! Congratulations on the achievement Andy!

Congrats on MG Andy. Our surprise QSO while I was mobile in the Smokies earlier this month made my day.

Mike, N4VBV

Congrats Andy and thanks for all the contacts. Welcome to the herd.

Dennis - WA2USA

Congrats! On :mountain_snow: :goat: Andy

Congratulations Andy! I listened for you but couldn’t pull you out; the radio gods were not in my favor that day. It has been a pleasure making all the contacts with you and hope for many more. :hiking_boot:

Ron and Liz

Congratulations Andy!

You’re in many of my logs. We’ve made many S2S contacts in recent months, and I believe that we’ve completed almost every one that we tried.

That includes an S2S on 27 August, when you were on Table Rock Mountain. This was not your Goat Peak, but your second peak of the day…

Thanks for chasing me today!



Congrats on MG :goat: Andy! 73 Karen

Congrats Andy :goat:

Roland K7FOP

Congratulations, Andy…welcome to the tribe!

Congrats, Andy!
73, Rumen / LZ2AF

Thanks Rumen!

73, Andy, N4LAG

Thanks EVERYONE! It’s a thrill to reach MG! And I’m now 1.8% of the way to 2xMG …

I tried thanking everyone individually, but the system frowned upon it. So, THANKS AGAIN!

Andy, N4LAG