And so to the Misty Mountains...

I’m currently listening to The Hobbit as an audiobook. The book was a set book at middle school, I was probably around 9 years old. Tolkein had a hand in my summit choice today, given that Bilbo and the Dwarves were in Mirkwood. We don’t have many forests in the Lake District, but Grizedale Pike G/LD-015 can be reached from Whinlatter Pass, which involves walking through part of the forest.

There were many families enjoying the snow today, as yesterday at Kirkstone. I had read the SOTA accounts of reaching Grizedale Pike from Whinlatter, but once you start the walk from Revelin Moss it was really obvious (or at least it was today with good contrast and visibility!)

Folk obviously on the ascent

I had remembered Tom’s info about keeping right, and Phil’s info about it being an unrelenting ascent. I didn’t have spikes today either, which was to be decisive later on, but for now the ascent was a combination of walking on grass poking through or on top of the wall, with frequent breaks to catch my breath!

Start of the path beside the forest

The gate out of the forest

On the ascent

Getting close!

It was obvious as I got close to the summit that HF wasn’t going to be an option, given the combination of strong wind and the relatively sharp summit. I attached the RH-770 to the handheld and Geoff @GM4WHA came back straight away, and after a couple of pauses in the run I managed to get the four required contacts and then some.

On the summit

14:40 GM4WHA 2m FM 59 59 GEOFF
14:41 G0TDM 2m FM 59 59 John
14:42 G8KBH 2m FM 55 41 D
14:43 G6AEK 2m FM 55 51 David
14:43 GI4ONL 2m FM 59 59 Victor
14:46 2E0IKA 2m FM 55 41 Holly
14:48 GM4WHA 2m DIGIT 59 59 GEOFF

Best DX of the day was Victor @GI4ONL at a respectable 217 km

Best 2m handheld DX GI4ONL

I liked the look of Sleet How as a ridgeline initially, and when I started the descent I briefly followed the path, before realising that it wasn’t a sensible option - given my lack of spikes or an ice-axe. With the relatively narrow packed snow I found footing ‘challenging’ and it was pretty much game-over falling down a big hill if footing was lost.

I definitely made the right decision, as even descending back the same way I’d come up was a challenge and I slipped over numerous times, especially towards the bottom where the snow was getting wet with wet grass underneath.

Skiddaw & Blencathra - briefly in the sunshine

Skiddaw & Blencathra - briefly in the sunshine

LoRA APRS coverage today was good, with multiple stations receiving my signal, and started around 520m. My FT1XD also pinged a few times with other stations.

LoRA APRS tracking


On the summit photo… snap but no snow. Well there was snow occasionally falling and it was damn cold for April.

I think referring to the Misty Mountains and not linking to the song may be considered a criminal offense by some :slight_smile:


I only learnt this today whilst looking up the Misty Mountains for the report.

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March 24 - It looked better from the forest than from the top of the hill.


Great write up and photos.
Ian vk5cz …

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