An Iphone app for spot alerts

So there once was a time when the great SOTA Goat app would “Baa” at me every time there was a SOTAwatch spot. It was great! Aside from getting some pretty fun comments I knew to grab my phone to use my home base remotely where ever I was to make the contact and “bag” another activation.

About a year ago or so SOTA Goat stopped alerting for spots on SOTAwatch. Sure I can see the spots in the app, but there is no way apparently to get the app to notify the user at this time with the classic “Baa” that I knew and loved (correct me if I am wrong on this, but emails to the creator would seem to confirm-seems like a lack of a push server or some such thing).

So my question is, what else is out there for the Iphone that will alert me with a sound so that I can drop all the unimportant things we do in a day and get to some chasing when the moment strikes? Something specifically for SOTA…

Are there any programmers out there who can answer the need for such an app?

Tom, N2YTF
W1 Area Manger

There is an excellent app called HamAlert that works very well for all kinds of notifications, including SOTA Spots. Just go to the App Store and search for it. Amazingly, it is free! Note that it is one word: HamAlert

Dave, AE9Q


Dave, notifications only or also gives possibility to send spot ?
In its description I have not found such option.

Jarek - HamAlert only does notifications to you. I still use Sota Goat to post spots.

Dave, AE9Q

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Like Dave, I use both—HamAlert gives me audible notifications for spots while SotaGoat allows viewing alerts and spots and posting both. You can have the HamAlert app closed and still receive notifications. I also like using HamAlert for non-SOTA purposes. Paul K9PM

I like Hamalert. It gives me a notification in Morse Code… You can also set up triggers so that only the spots you want are the ones that notify you!

I, too, have switched to HamAlert for activity notifications on my iPhone. You’ll need to set filters for lots of SOTA regions if you don’t necessarily want the world’s activity to bug you constantly. Since Europeans aren’t going to copy my 5w chaser signal from California, I keep an eye only on all W, VE, VK, ZL, and JA regions. On my desktop computer, however, I keep SOTAWatch up all the time during the day/evening.

Danny, AE9F

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HamAlert is great. I definitely like using it in concert with SOTA Goat. I do miss the local time option on SOTA Goat, but those HamAlert configurable notifications are great. I only wish that I could pick the sound that plays for the notifications----say 1 tone for domestic and another for global spots…

I think I will wind up with phone notifications for “low priority” SOTA regions for me and SMS or Treema for high priority. The phone notifications on their own do not seem to make it to my fitbit watch, but SMS does…

Thanks again for the suggestion,
Tom, N2YTF

Thank you Dave
Jarek, SP9MA