I was wondering what the ages are for those who are activating summits. What ages are those who have achieved Mountain Goat?
–John, KJ4ZFK
Was 54 years, but it’s never too late
I am 63 and just over half way to Mountain Goat.
73 Ed.
Hi John,
I was 53 when I achieved Mountain Goat. After getting there, the imperative to maximise points waned somewhat but now at 61 I’m beginning to think about striking out for double goatdom
Age is irrelevant, it’s fitness to carry out the expeditions that counts - I accept that at some stage I may have to limit my expectations as to the summits I can sensibly tackle, but I’m hoping to be activating for a good many years yet!
73 de Paul G4MD
I am 62 and I am going for the second mountaingoat. It depends on health not the age! Of course you should start step by step, I mean from easier summits, if you do not climb at all. It is good to have company for many reasons eg help in case of any problems or accident.
73 Cristos.
I’m 72! I’m not interested by awards.
I am 66 this year hiked 160 km for 46 summits in 2017.
Only as old as you feel dragging your bones and a back pack up a hill.
I am at 760 points and don’t anticipate making old goat until 2019 all going to plan.
Ian vk5cz …
Activations at the age of 63 is a small beer, yesterday (Friday/Saturday)
I walked on my feet 54 km a the night on the extreme Way of the Cross
achieved M G at 67,
73 kurt HB9AFI
Still doing the occasional activation at 77.
I am 51 yo and joined SOTA a year ago. M G far away.
Enjoy! 73.
I was just coming up to 68 when I reached MG. Now on 2699.
Started activating at almost 49. I’m now 53 with a few hundred activations in my log, but still just slightly over half MG. As others wrote, it’s not a question of age, but of health and fitness.
BTW, Kurt is now approaching the 7th MG - in time for his 78th.
Keep it up, Kurt!
73 cu, Heinz
M1EYP: Started at 32, MG at 37, still activating lots at 47.
M0HGY: Started at 13 (once licensed, though had been going on SOTA expeditions since the age of 9), MG at 19, still activating at the ripe old age of 25.
Looks like we’ve both got a long, long way to go judging by the impressive numbers in this thread.
66 years old, 536 activations, 303 points. No real interest in making MG. There are loads of other personal milestones to achieve, which are just as tough and in many cases tougher…
Have fun…
Hi John,
Glyn, G4CFS, conducted a survey on the age of SOTA activators a year ago: How Old is the Average SOTA Operator?. The results are worrisome for the future of our hobby, but the determination that we read in the replies to your question keeps us hopeful…
Zoran / E70AA
Oh god such a spring chicken in compare to you all.
Age bugger all to do with it, more depends on state of mind and health and the willingness to do it
Hi All,
I will be 75 in June this year ! I have been playing SOTA for many years I must admit I do take a little bit longer to get where I am going now and sometimes even longer to find my way back!! but still enjoy
SOTA as much as ever.
Just keep on moving onwards and upwards
Tony G7OEM
MG really is the “gold standard” in SOTA, but it could be argued that 250 Activator Uniques is tougher.
I wonder what your tougher personal target is Mike?