AE4FZ newest 20 K Super Sloth!

Congratulations to Chuck, AE4FZ, on achieving Double Super Sloth. Saw that you’re at 20,005 as of 20/8/14. All the best to you sir. 72 de Scotty

In reply to KG3W:
Congratulations Chuck on the 2X Shack Sloth achievement. Sure hear you on the chaser end a lot with a good signal. Thanks for all the activator points too.

Gary A. - W0MNA

Chuck, Quite an achievement!. Always nice to hear your call when we are out there. Here’s to many more to come. Congratulations.
Merle and Herm
Madison, NH

In reply to KG3W:
Gratz Chuck, always a pleasure to hear you call!


In reply to KK4NQQ:

In reply to KG3W:
Gratz Chuck, always a pleasure to hear you call!


In reply to

Congrats Chuck, and thanks for “almost always” being there! We have worked each other from 84 of my 145 summits activated. Now that is some serious chasing!!!

Thanks again.



I especially appreciate your chase of 3JUL14, 1425Z. You were my 4th QSO on W4C/CM-011 which put me over 1000 for Mountain Goat. Fun stuff this SOTA!
Best regards 73

Well done Chuck! Congrats and thanks for all the Qs. See you down the log…

73, Dan NA6MG

In reply to NA6MG:
Yes, congrats Chuck for the hardwork. And thanks for the many q’s!

73, Guy/n7un aka nS0TA

In reply to KG3W:
How to go Chuck…Many thanks for all contacts. My log doesn’t seem complete when you’re not in it.

Take care Chuck…

Dennis - WA2USA

In reply to KG3W:

Thank you Scotty and all activators, that summit mountains everywhere and make chasing possible.
SOTA is a wonderful program that has kept me motivated through 2 serious hospital stays, in the last 2.5 years. I look forward to many more contacts from here on the edge of Little Alligator Swamp.
So againn thanks to all and hope to hear you on, or from a summit if wife will let a dinged up old Tanker go wander around the mountains.

73 Chuck

Martha W0ERI