I have just been using the ADIF log upload facility, but it appears that it does not accept logs with multiple activations of the same summit or at least activations of the same summit for more than 1 month at a time (i.e my SHF UKAC log for the whole of 2018) - It accepts the whole log but only processes the log for the first date, so I’m having to upload 1 month at a time.
Neither does it accept me uploading a full activation log for a given date if I have already submitted a single S2S (without removing the S2S first or presumably removing that entry from the ADIF).
It also appears that my ADIF import of at least some Activation Logs get something wrong.
When go the Database site and I click the Map link for my activation of G/CE-001 (at least for August, September, October and November 2023) it shows some stations entirely in the wrong place - this appears to happen for several different stations - I have checked the ADIF for one of the affected logs, deleted an re-uploaded and the problem persists.
If it’s station location that’s the problem, that’s independent of ADIF. The users in question most likely have errors in their profile for where they claim to be located (eg, lat/long translated, etc)
So are you saying that it is using some Data from the Database and not the grid of their location from the ADIF imported log ? - I’ve not checked (not sure how) if any of those I noticed where the location is shown wrongly are even registered users.
It comes from the data everyone supplies for their account.
Some people don’t set it. Some people don’t know their left from right. Some people enter it in unrecognised formats. Some people don’t know what day it is never mind where they are
Well, we don’t store that information anywhere much like we don’t store all the other information provided in an ADIF log. For FLE logs if someone specifies a gridref we can copy it to the comments and I could potentially add that to the ADIF upload but tying it back to the mapping is probably a step too far in terms of workload right now.