Adder on Carnmenellis

I saw my first adder today on Carnmenellis G/DC-006

I was really chuffed (or should that be choughed, in Cornwall?) until I realised that I was walking through classic adder habitat with no discernable path to follow, no stick to advertise my presence, and no gaiters. Hmmmm. Anyway, I completed the activation and returned to the car without seeing any more - mixed feelings about that! :o)


In reply to G4AZS:
Nothing to worry about, Adrian, they are very sensitive to vibrations and will usually move away at a quite surprising speed, which is why you don’t see them too often even where they are common!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G4AZS:
We have many over here too. Last Monday I was taking my dog Lucho out for a run in the country together with my neighbour and her 2 dogs.
We were walking on the popular Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago) as we live right close to it.
We had growing cereal fields at both sides of our way and all 3 dogs were running, playing and having fun inside the cereal field.
The cereal plant is now growing and its a bit higher than half a meter, so our not too big dogs were below the cereal plants level.
At one point Lucho barked/shouted in pain and after a short while returned to our way, but I immediately realised that something was going wrong, as Lucho was sitting on his rear legs, not walking and shaking nervously his head as to get rid of something bothering him. It’s very rare seeing my dog sitting during his walks. It usually runs up and down all the time without a rest. Lucho is a bit less than 2 years old, so it’s full of energy.
It remained kind of knocked out for some time not willing or not being able to walk, shaking his head and sometimes rubbing his neck on the grass as to try to get rid of something it felt added to it.
After a period of time it started to walk and run and things seemed to be slowly returning to normal.
I didn’t see anything due to the cereal plants being too high for that, but I’d bet that an adder or other type of snake bit Lucho somewhere in his neck.
Its long hair makes it very difficult to find a wound on its body.
Well, this season is when the snakes wake up and get out after their winter hybernation, so bear in mind they may be amidst the tall weeds.
Walking out of paths on tall grass or similar is something to avoid unless the necessary precautions had been taken.
Good luck.
73 de Guru - EA2IF