Activation video: LA/RL-061 Åslandsnuten

In late January I activated LA/RL-061 Rossåsen, a summit that looks deceptively simple until you see the inclination. It was a beautiful and relatively warm winter day, and after some on-the-fly antenna wire binding on the top I got 12 in the log.

In my video I show you some of the nice scenery and activation.


Congratulations Kjetil for the video editing and nice Aerial shots.Which coaxial cable did you use?


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Great video - I liked the “angry words” in CW. :slight_smile:

Can you set the drone to follow you automatically? It looked in a few shots as if it was doing that.

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Thanks :blush:
It’s a standard RG-58 cable that I bought when I started in the hobby, unsure about the exact length or manufacturer. It’s terminated with PL-259’s.

The antenna is based around LB0FI’s dipole, a 3D printed winder for wire antennas: LB0FI Dipole Kit by mortenmwiken - Thingiverse

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Thanks :blush:

Yes, it will follow me automatically during a lot of conditions. I did a test with it a few months back, and it can do some really impressive tracking: