Activation Report Mt Leconte W4T/SU-003

Please feel free to check out the activation report and video for my assault on Mt Le Conte this past weekend.



SOTA Ranger

Truly excellent video John. I’m sure it was a GREAT hike. Best wishes to you on upcoming summits.


In reply to KK4NQQ:
Hello John, thanks for the report.

Beautiful pictures, good video and particularly like the Benny Hill type time lapse of you putting the antenna up! 8)

Best wishes
Mike G6TUH

Edit afterthought: Why not take some real bacon and egg next time!

In reply to G6TUH:
If its a shorter hike I usually pack better food. But when the trail is steep and long I look for lighter less tasty options. When Kendall and I activated Bunches Bald we ate like kings and queens!

I do love me some campfire bacon and eggs!


In reply to KK4NQQ:

"I do love me some campfire bacon and eggs! "

So do I John! Years ago I thought I would go on a veggie diet - it lasted two days because of b&e 8)

Of course this is on topic because people need to know what rations to pack :wink:

Mike G6TUH