Activation Report - G/WB, 30/04/10

2E0DAI (Dai) and I headed towards Ludlow on a bright morning for three activations. My Dai-Nav system led us brilliantly through Ludlow and we found ourselves on High Vinnalls, G/WB-012, in cloudy, yet bright and clear, conditions. The world and his dog were on 4m so loads of QSOs including STS with G3NYY (who featured in the next two activations as well) on G/WB-022. A few more QSOs on 2m SSB & FM saw vast amounts of drizzly rain heading our way from Wales. Dai quickly grabbed his fishing pole with two hands and pointed his SOTA beam at the rain and it stayed on the other side of the valley!
A quick descent, a bite to eat and we were carefully drivng past The Sun Inn in Leintwardine. Next thing we knew, we were surveying three barrels in the tap room of this classic pub. A quick pint saw us on View Edge, G/WB-018, with not so many QSOs.
Callow Hill, G/WB-015, was the final destination. I went straight up the almost-vertical edge while Dai took the sensible route up the zig-zag track. The threat of rain abated and the sun came out but gusting winds upto Force 8 made the SOTA beam a challenge. Not to be thwarted, Dai worked mainly 2m SSB and 4m FM while I worked 2m FM with the rucksack dipole and made 6 QSOs.
A measured descent and the Dai-Nav system quickly saw us back in Wolverhampton. A big thank you to all the chasers.

best 73s

M6ALR, Alastair Hopkins