Activation report EA8/FU-031, EA8/FU-042 and EA8/FU-016 on Fuerteventura.

Last week I was in Fuerteventura, and activated two summits.

On the first summit, EA8/FU-031, I had some problems with the KX1. Occasionally there was no output. I only found out late when there were no chasers. By pressing the top, I had enough output again. Because of these problems, I end up being more than two hours on the summit. With still more than 50 QSO’s, it was a successful activation.

The second summit, EA8/FU-042, was also a success with over 25 QSO’s. Both are actually not mountains, but volcanoes. There you can walk around nicely at the top.

The third summit, EA8/FU-016, was unfortunately not a success. This is a mountain, but there is no path up. I walked all the way around the mountain (9 kilometers) and found something what looked like a track. But that became too steep and because of the loose stones it became too dangerous to get up safely. So unfortunately unfinished business walked back to the hotel.

As an antenna I used the home made 5 meter with 8 radials of 3 meters. In combination with the SOTABEAMS 6 meter Carbon pole. The stake kit, over which the mast goes, was with some difficulty to smash the ground with a stone. There are plenty of them at the top. :slight_smile:

All in all a nice week, with wonderful temperatures of 25 degrees.

Thanks all chasers.