Activation Report, 4202 W6/CT-150

I headed out this morning not sure where I would end up. After driving up the Angeles Crest Highway to the junction with Angeles Forest Highway I decided to shoot up 4202, W6/CT-150. Would the weather cooperate?

As I set up it was clear there would be a continual mist. The summit was in the clouds.
No worries. I worked a few stations on 17 meters, then ran a bunch on 20, including ZL1BYZ, who must be able to hear a pin drop. Always a thrill!
At one point I noticed a tick crawling along under my clear clip board. Flicking them off my clothing is so much better than tweezing them out of my skin. I was the only dry thing around.

30 meters was pretty good, then 40 allowed me to work many close in stations.
Apologies for sending difficulties. Moisture between the paddle contact points caused spontaneous keying.

I did manage to send K6HPX eventually. Thanks, Ken.
Jon, K6LDQ, has been a regular chaser on SSB and helpful spotter. Today he surprised me with a cw QSO. TU, Jon!
N3BZ on W7A/CS-032 and N6IZ on W6/NC-191 were my two S2S contacts today. TU, Gents.
After 90 minutes in the mist I packed up and headed home. Things were a bit damp.

A typical day in the UK?
Thank you, chasers. Today’s activity put a smile on my face.

I was able to go door to door with only one encounter of another hiker and we easily managed 3 meters of distance.
David N6AN


The summit is 4202, not 4020. I wonder if there is a way to edit these posts…

Yes, there is.

A lot of anxiety is generated in a tick out in the open like that, worrying about getting flicked off.
Makes for a nervous tick.


Good one, Ken.

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