Activation of GW/SW-009 and GW/SW-015

Today was my first activation of a summit worth more than two points.

The day started with leaving Cheltenham around 0730 and arrival at the days parking spot around 0940 and the walking starting around 0955.

My climb to the first summit GW/SW-009 took a little over 45 minutes, with my first contact of the day being made at 1101 on 2m FM (Matt G8XYJ) and the summit was quickly qualified on 2m (giving me my first ever 4 pointer and my first bonus points), 60m was next with 10 contacts followed by QSY to 40m to find nowhere that was relatively clear, however after tuning up/down I found a G station calling CQ and made my first contact on 40m after which the Gentleman asked me if I wanted to use the frequency, 13 further contacts were made on 40m, before the QRM made it impossible to do any more, this was followed by S2S contacts with Viki & Rod on GW/SW-011 as well as Andy & Phil on SW-008 (back on 2m FM), one contact was also made on 20m, but despite calling for 15 minutes no other stations were raised on 20m.

I headed back to the Car around 1245 and ate my lunch before starting the climb for GW/SW-015 around 1350, I arrived at the summit and made by first contact with Rob G7LAS/P on G/SC-004 on 2m FM at 1505 for the 3rd and final S2S of the day, then over the next 15 minutes managed to get three other 2m FM contacts before QSY to 60m, 8 minutes later my first contact on 60m was made and 7 more followed, an attempted QSY to 40m found the band too cluttered with contest stations, so 20m came next with 9 contacts, finally on 10m I made 2 contacts (with stations in USA and Argentina that were actually callign CQ contest).

I completed the walk back to the car around 1730 and finished off my sandwiches and headed back towards Cheltenham (with a slight de-tour).

Thanks to those that I worked and sorry if I missed anyone.

I was sending APRS beacons (G0LGS-9) whilst in the car, but coverage is clearly almost non-existent after passing Ross-on-Wye.

Stewart G0LGS