Activation of FL/NO-021 - Brittany, France

In almost perfect weather I activated today FL/NO-021 the Mènez Hom, which at just 330m is the highest point in Brittany, France. It is also I think the most westerly SOTA summit in mainland France.

There was no wind, sunshine and a temperature of about 16°C but it wasn’t quite perfect as it was extremely hazy and the excellent views from the summit were entirely missing. :frowning:

I set up below the summit (which gets very busy) with my IC-705, AH-705 tuner and SotaBeams Bandspringer random wire with counterpoise. 40m SSB was successful with 6 QSOs in about 5 minutes. Reception was good and the band quiet although some of my signal reports were low - 37, 52 and 44 were received.

A switch to 20m SSB yielded another 6 QSOs and much better signal reports.

A change to 15m CW soon had my brain working overtime and I had to ask some callers repeatedly for their callsign. I struggled with Stephan F/DD6DO as I didn’t recognise the form of the callsign at first, reading the / as an X but we got there in the end. After 4 QSOs I switched to 17m CW for another 2 QSOs but again struggled with one, reading the 3 in S53AU as a J. Apart from a lack of skill a lack of experience doesn’t help me as I am not fully familiar with all the forms callsigns come in.

Here is a map of the QSOs. I was on the south side of the summit which may explain the pattern

And just to show I wasn’t operating from our campervan…

The ground has a lot of very low gorse and getting pegs in was difficult in places but after a bit of a search I found somewhere suitable.

Very many thanks to all the chasers and particularly to those working CW with me. You were all very patient! :slight_smile:


Well done John, :+1:

Nice surprise to work you on 15m CW at 900km away with nice signal.
You are OK to work more CW John, enjoy it !

73 Éric

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Éric, many thanks for the QSOs on SSB and CW. I am planning to activate FL/NO-087 tomorrow and will try 15m and perhaps higher bands if they are open. 12m was today and even 10m for a short period I think.



Hi John,
Your alert said FL/NO-085 ?
73 Éric

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Thank you, that was a mistake. I have now changed it to FL/NO-087, La Motte.

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:+1: 73

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