Activation of EA2/NV-180 Arburuko Kaskoa


Jorge EA2LU, and I decided to activate a new one for both of us, a mountain in the valley of Ultzama. This one was activated just once in VHF only. A good chance to put this new one on air in HF.

Activation date: April 1st, 2021

Driving directions

Total drive distance: 33,7 km.

  • Leave Pamplona towards Berriozar.
  • Exit right towards Aizoáin (road NA-4100)
  • Continue towards Lizaso (road NA-411)
  • Deviate right in Auza, towards Eltzaburu. (road NA-4116)

This is how the mountain looks like close to Eltzaburu:

Just before arriving in Eltzaburu, turn right at the end of a row of houses. A sign indicates “Zazpiturrieta”.

That is the start of a dirt road that enters in the forest, by the Armuñegi ravine.

Continue for 5 kilometers and park at an elevation of 690 m. There you start the hike.


  • Track length: 1,3 km
  • Summit elevation: 938 m
  • Height gain: about 250 m.

Despite being a short hike, the climb is very intense in some parts as you can see in the profile:

From the beginning the mountain is covered with bleech trees. They are completely naked, but they soon will be green again. These are quite tall and straight.

Some part of the climb is very steep; we will need to pay attention in our way back not to fall.

After 35 minutes walk we arrived in the summit, marked with a curious mountain mailbox.


  • EA2LU station: KX2 and random wire 14m plus 4 short radials.

Jorge ran on 5, 7, 10 and 14 MHz, only CW, logging 52 qso.

He worked S2S HB9NBG/P René, HB9FZC/P Carine, DL2DXA/P Bernd (on GMA), DL2DVE/P Andy and HB9CBR/P Bruno.

  • EA2BD station: LNR LD-5 and EFHW antenna.

As we use to do, we separated a few hundred meter to decrease the interference between us.

I ran on 14 and 7 MHz SSB mainly. I found conditions were poor today on 14 MHz. Also chased on 10 MHz CW for a S2S.

My log was closed with 63 qso, including S2S with EA6KB Lorenzo and EA6AOJ Jaime, and DL2DVE/P Andy.

When we were about to dismantle and pack I saw the spot from Bruno HB9CBR/P running on 5 MHz. My rig doesn’t cover that band so I left my position and ran quickly to Jorge’s station where I could work Bruno on Jorge’s rig. I was glad, as I frequently chase Bruno from home but not from a summit!

Cultural tip of the day

When we just entered the dirt road we passed next a famous tree: the Elizondo’s oak.

This one is a big and centenary oak. Its diameter at ground level is 1,88 m, and height is around 27 meters.

It was declared Natural monument in 1991. Although some years ago it was hit by a lightning, just a branch was damaged; the tree is still in good shape and alive.

Eltzaburu is a representative village of Ultzama valley, a lovely area in the north part of Navarra that resemble Switzerland a bit. Its small villages are formed by big houses with plastered walls, next to green pasture shared between sheeps, cows and horses.

73 de Ignacio