Activation of Cyrn-y-Brain GW/NW-043

Sincere apologies to anyone who was trying to chase me on GW/NW-043 on Fri 3rd December and was not successful. I was calling from 1355 and to no avail. I wondered if the resident radio communication masts had turned hostile to 2m FM (I’ve activated before with my 2m Wouxun handheld and had no issues) and so I relocated and this made no difference. It was after 1430 that I noticed that I could see oxidised copper poking through the tape around the coax connector from the radio to the aerial. I pushed the coax and BNC plug together and called CQ and MW0IDX came straight back. S2S followed with MW0RWX/P on GW/NW-049. M0XJA and M0VAZ followed and I thereby qualified the summit. I needed three hands at the same time - two to hold the radio and coax and one hand to write with so things were a trifle tricky!!! I managed a 5th QSO with M6BLV (just about) and then packed up.

Moral: inspect your kit / equipment regularly!!!

73s all
Alastair, M0TYM


Well done Alastair, thanks for the contacts!
73, Roger

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